Adopte un pilea plante d’♥ dépolluante
As part of the greening of my little home , if there is one plant that I absolutely wanted, it is the pilea peperomioides! This plant combines both the fact of being a plant from the 70s that has become trendy again with depolluting qualities, since it not only eliminates odors but also purifies the air. If we add that she is too cute, that she is resistant and that she appreciates dark interiors, I tell myself that it is finally a plant that could coexist and survive with mebecause this is the most complicated (that all those who do not have a green thumb blow: I finally found our new best friend and her name is Pilea). Contrary to its name which could evoke the lands of Spain, this one comes to us from the southwest of China, brought back by a Swedish missionary. Hence its name of missionary plant.
It is also called a coin plant . It would actually be enough to bury a coin at its foot to ensure prosperity!
When I tell you that this plant has everything good!
How bouturer the pilea peperomioides
Before you run into a garden center, I must tell you that I read that it was a plant that is transmitted . It is not necessary to buy it (and it is often sold too expensive) because it is enough to simply find around you someone who has one and to make cuttings a small sprout (preferably in spring).
I love this principle of collaborating and passing on plants rather than buying them, so it’s really the plant that corresponds to the values I want to defend .
So it was my cousin who devoted herself and gave me a little push the last time I went to her place. Between our various discussions on books, photo, social networks, a coffee and a piece of cake, we placed a small cuttings session of Pilea and it was quite nice!
Which allows me to introduce baby Aglaé ( yes I like to give names to my plants!) Which I will incubate for about 4 weeks. By the time it makes a sufficiently strong and long root (3 cm) so that I can put it in the ground.
In the meantime, you will also have to change the water every 15 days and, as in the photo, select shoots with several stems so that they are stronger. Of course, only the root soaks in the water, it’s not about drowning it either!
We just have to wait !
We plant the Pilea in the ground in 4 weeks if all goes well
Finally time flies so quickly that I did not even have time to publish this article and the 4 weeks are already there.
Baby Aglaé is in great shape and growing! Look at the wonderful roots she made for me and how she became vigorous.
I find it just magical to have this “power” to help nature grow, even if it’s just in the context of its small interior. And then, it seems to me that it makes us more attentive to the precious little things in life… ♥
It only remains for me to put this valiant little cutting of Piléa in the ground so that it continues its life
I can’t wait for her to grow to be able to create other cuttings and enlarge the family!
Maintenance advice Pilea Peperomioides : easy maintenance
Indirect sunlight, likes warm, dark and humid rooms.
Water often
Vegetalize your interior more to clean up but also feel better, it’s a pretty cool solution isn’t it?
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Excellent, j’en ai également une chez moi, que j’ai achetée par contre, je l’adore: facile d’entretien, elle pousse super bien, belle, que demander de plus? Si comme tu l’écris elle est aussi dépolluante, c’est tout bénéf’ 🙂
Oui et en plus maintenant que tu en as une, tu peux faire des boutures et les offrir ou faire des bébés 😉 Je suis sûre que les plantes tout comme nous, aiment être entourées d’autres plantes avec lesquelles elles peuvent entretenir des échanges :-)♥
Je t’avais lu sans prendre le temps de commenter car comme toi j’adore cette petite plante qui m’a été transmise par une amie… Depuis, elle a fait plein de bébés pilae, je vais m’en occuper dans les semaines à venir (ma copine me disait de simplement les planter en terre). Avec ses feuilles rondes et lisses c’est une plante amicale et si en plus elle est dépolluante alors c’est vraiment super
Oui elle a toutes les qualités et c’est super si tu as déjà plein de bébés ! Mais effectivement je te conseille de passer d’abord par l’étape de l’eau pour les faire raciner. On m’avait aussi dit de les planter directement en terre, ce qui est peut-être possible car c’est une plante très résistante mais je pense que ça lui demande beaucoup d’énergie pour survivre et développer ses racines alors autant l’aider. En tout cas c’est le conseil qu’un jardinier m’a donné :-). Je vois d’ailleurs que la mienne s’est vraiment développée et fortifiée pendant ces 5 semaines de trempage et j’ai hâte qu’elle me donne des bébés car j’ai vraiment envie d’avoir toute une famille aussi et de pouvoir en offrir ! Qui sait, on sera peut-être en plus riche, un de ces jours prochains 😉